CLIENT: Low City
ROLE: Director / Editor / Concept
MEDIA: Youtube, Social
I have always loved Music Videos since growing up on MTV.
Jeremy Turner and Abe Seiferth are the core members of the Brooklyn band Low City. They asked me to concept and direct a video for their upcoming album. Members of Dirty Projectors and the indie folk band Bon Iver also contribute to Low City and flesh out the group's sound.
Lyrically the song deals with a not so distant future and it's love lost characters.
The film is influenced by my drinking lots of coffee, reading JG Ballard & Philip K. Dick, watching RW Fassbinder, Antonioni and Ridley Scott films.
Actors Kathleen Munro, from Alphas and Resurrection, and Rachel Blanchard, from Fargo, are two women fighting over the attention of Devin Pedde.